Homelessness & Housing

Shelter is a basic need for everyone, and it’s the foundation from which families and individuals can begin to build, or rebuild, stability and self-sufficiency. NVFS provides emergency homeless shelter in Manassas as well as financial assistance with rent and utilities to prevent homelessness from occurring in Fairfax and Prince William counties.

Our Homeless Shelter

With 92 beds, NVFS’ SERVE Family Shelter in Manassas is Northern Virginia’s largest family homeless shelter. On average, more than 40 percent of shelter guests are children. Shelter guests stay an average of 39 days, and during that time, work with a case manager who helps connect them with the right tools, knowledge and resources for lasting well-being and self-sufficiency.

Our Housing Program

NVFS offers several additional programs for residents of Fairfax and Prince William County. This assistance prevents homelessness from occurring in the first place.

Fairfax County: Bridging Affordability • Short-Term Rental Assistance Program • Emergency Solutions Grants • Virginia Homeless Solutions Program

Prince William County: Affordable Rental Units • Short-Term Rental Assistance Program • Utility Assistance Program

Across Northern Virginia, NVFS offers tenant-based rental assistance, community case management and permanent housing placement, as well as the Regional Housing Assistance Program for individuals living with HIV.

Assistance Hotline

Shelter and Housing, Rent, Utilities