In-Kind Donations

Hello! This is the NVFS In-Kind Donation page. If you are trying to make a donation that is small or you would like like to drop it off, please contact NVFS through email or call-in, or even come by to our thrift shop and drop it off there. However, if you have a large donation you would like to donate or you are considering on doing a fundraiser please click the Donation Form button to display the form to fill out.

  • Priority Items:
    • Food
    • Cleaning Supplies
    • Paper Products
    • Toiletries (Full-size)
    • Diapers and Wipes
    • Household Items
    • Classroom Supplies (Pre-school)
    • Board Books
    • Transportation (Metro cards, gas cards, ride service vouchers)
    • Gift cards

*For more details regarding donation items click here:
NVFS Donation Information

Thrift Store
*For more info, click on the Clock Tower Link

Contact NVFS Donation Help
